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Thursday, February 10, 2011

tsa backs down

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For once, the TSA has actually done something worthwhile in regards to airplane security.  I mean, besides from catching thousands of would-be terrorists and all that hyped-up jazz.  A few months ago, I posted about the naked surveillance scans that the TSA was using in most airports to detect knives, guns, playdough, and, quite possibly, strap-ons. 

Now, they've begun the process of retracting the whole-body naked googly-eyed scanners.  According to this article at time.com,  a new stick figure machine is being tested in a few airports.  If this goes over well, only actual walking, talking stick figures will have to worry about their private bits being exposed to the security agents.  And, if stick figures could walk, I think we'd have a lot more important things to worry about than what they were hiding in their hoo-hahs.

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