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Monday, June 27, 2011

redefining normal... again

It's been one hell of a ride these past three weeks. I knew I'd be busy, but WOW!  How busy I was!  John went out of town for a week, right in the midst of the chaos of day camp preparations.  Then came camp, where we had a HUGE increase in the amount of campers from last year, and not quite enough staff to fully manage all the boys.  We got by...  Then, we took a group of Scouts on a hike the day after camp ended, and jumped in the car that afternoon for a week-long trip to the in-laws.  Upon returning home, I had the pleasure of camping out at the local baseball stadium for a Scouting event, and only getting about four hours of sleep.  Needless to say, Sunday was most certainly a day of rest.

Late last week, my husband asked me what I was going to do now that Day Camp is over for another six months.  I wanted to say, "We're going to Disney World!"  But, sadly, my volunteer's salary doesn't quite cover a trip of that magnitude, nor will my Staff Patch bring in very much dough on ebay.  So, as much as I love Scouting, here's what I'm NOT going to be doing... for a week or two.

I will not intervene in any boyish squabbles. 

I will not drench my fellow staff members with water.

I will not lug totes full of administration crap to and from camp each day.

I will not stress over anything.  Not one single thing.

I will not continue my never-ending search for doughnuts.

I will not pester Jannine, my program director, at all hours of the day. (at least not before ten in the morning).

What WILL I do?  I'll try to relocate "normal."  I can't quite remember what it looks like.  I think it may need to be redefined.  After all, we started homeschooling right before the madness of Day Camp began this year.  It's time to figure out our daily pattern, at least for the next little while.

Of course, I will also be swimming, sleeping, playing with the kids, and catching up on my million and one set-aside sewing and crafting projects that I really do want to complete... one day.


  1. Busy bee! I hope you get some down time to just relax!!

  2. AMEN! No yelling, no rounding up wild boys, no searching for coffee and doughnuts, no water bottle / buddy checks, and no more singing Jellystone! (well at least until next summer) Enjoy your time off :)


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