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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

memory lane

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I was going through some old photos recently and came across a set from Christmas 2003.  Alex was 2 and a half years old.  It's hard to believe that he's nearing 10. 
Where does the time go?

We came across this tool bench in the attic while getting out Christmas decorations this weekend.  He loved playing with it so much that, when he out grew it, I couldn't make myself get rid of the thing.   Other finds were Little People toys, a boppy, and the menu from my hospital stay when he was born.

 Peek-a-boo!  See the box in the corner?  We had just moved into that apartment.  We would stay for a year before buying our house.  The first thing to go up in our new home was the Christmas tree.

 Among other things, Santa brought Alex a corduroy Mickey who is still hanging around somewhere.

And, there I am with my fuzzy-caterpillar eyebrows with the first turkey that I ever cooked.  It's just the breast, but it counts for something, right?  We ate Christmas dinner with my dad on a small end table because we didn't yet have a dining table.  Cooking dinner for my family has always been important to me, at least on the holidays, even if I haven't always been good at it.  It seems as if this turkey had to be put back in the oven after the picture was taken, as it had a bloody streak running through it.  I added too much milk to the mashed potatoes, so they were runny, and I only cooked my green beans for a few hours.  That's okay, I believe we had a good time of it anyway.


  1. Hi, I am your newest follower from the Tuesday blog hop. You can check out my blog at http://thewhitewhimsies.blogspot.com

    Have a great day!

  2. I save the menu from the hospital when The Boy was born. I thought I was the only person who did that!

  3. Wiping the tears away as I sit at the desk, I hope I have been good for you. We had it tough starting out, I know. Never a day goes by that I wish I couldn't have done better for you and Alex. And I still wish I did better for all of us now. This is a really sweet post. These old pictures make me feel guilt for some reason. The feelings overtaking me now are just so strong I have to write this. I love you.


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